Many psychotherapy services offer a free, zero commitment consultation to see if clients connect with their potential future counsellor or psychologist. This opens up an ability for them to see if they are a fit with that therapist, have their questions answered, relieve some of the "unknown" with what to expect in counselling, and to provide a completley free, time-sensitive opportunity for them to potentially make the next steps in restoring their psychological wellbeing. Many people only make it through the first session with a therapist before discovering that it is either not for them or not the right therapist for them. A free 15 minute consultation clears all of this up and gives people trust in pursuing the right therapist and values their very important time.


Are you or someone you know contemplating going for counselling? Not sure if it is for you or going to be worth it? That is why Joanne at Reviving Waves Counselling Therapy offers free 15 minute consultation appointments for clients. If you are looking for a quick chat with Joanne outside of her scheduled appointment times, not a problem at all. All you have to do is send Joanne an email at with your preferred time and she will try to accomodate a time for you to connect. First impressions and connection are critical for quality, therapeutic counselling services to be offered to clients. Find out today if Joanne is a fit for you and how one 15 minute consultation with her could lead to positive, lasting transformations in your life! 

Joanne Robertson

Joanne Robertson

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